A pastor in Myanmar has been fighting an extended legal battle since being accused in 2018 of denigrating Buddhism. Aung Tun Oo was accused by two radical Mahbahtah monks of speaking against Buddhism at a Buddhist school. During a Christmas programme, Pastor Aung Tun Oo gave a presentation on the meaning of Christ’s earthly birth, death and resurrection. Although he did not mention Buddhism in the presentation, several Buddhist monks took offense and reported him to authorities. The Mahbahtah monks are members of the Wirathu sect, the most dangerous terrorist group in Myanmar.
Aung Tun Oo has been summoned to court 64 times since the case was filed. “The judge and his colleagues know very well that the accusation against me is groundless and on the basis of my faith in Christ,” Aung Tun Oo said, “but they all procrastinate to execute justice in favor of me.”
VOM has provided support for the pastor and his family during the long legal battle. “It is at times very discouraging for us,” Aung Tun Oo said. “But whenever we are discouraged, the Lord reminds us that it is not because of our foolishness or for doing anything wrong that we are facing this legal issue.
It is for preaching the Gospel and obediently following God’s command.”
Pray that the judge will rule justly and not yield to pressure from the radical monks.
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