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AZERBAIJAN: Gospel Reaches Beyond Capital City

Azerbaijan is a small nation of 10 million people tucked among the Caspian Sea, Iran, Armenia, Georgia and Russia. Its population is 85% Shia Muslim and 2% Christian. Christian ministry efforts have historically focused on the country’s capital city, Baku, where 25% of the population lives. Local Christians have recently increased their efforts to reach beyond the capital. “Christians are using media to connect with Azerbaijanis outside of Baku,” said a Front-line Worker. Through social media, Christians are connecting with those interested in learning more about Christ and hand-delivering Bibles to them.

The Front-line Worker asks for prayer

  • that freedom to make those kinds of visits will continue

  • that more people will be reached beyond the capital

  • for an increased spirit of unity among Christian leaders so outreach efforts can be multiplied.

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