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VOM South Africa

CHINA: Regulation Cites Penalties for Professing Faith

A new regulation has been issued that warns Christians to renounce their beliefs or be punished in China. According to the regulation addendum issued by Huangfei Zhai Village, Yingjiang County; officials can penalise anyone who converts from Buddhism or another religion and professes they believe in “Jesus Christ”. If someone proselytises or helps others to become Christians, village administrators can confiscate their land, personal possessions and issue fines. They can also demand that those who violate this “law” will have to clean village property.

Source: VOM Australia, ChinaAid

Ask the Lord to cover all Christians in the area with His love and protection.

Pray this new regulation will spur believers on to encourage one another and continue to remain faithful.

Pray for those in authority who oppose the Gospel, that they will experience the new-found hope and joy found through a relationship with Christ.

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