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COLOMBIA: Pastor's Children Threatened

Jaime and Ana Luz have ministered in one of Colombia’s “red zones,” areas under guerrilla control, for nine years. In early 2024, they received a phone call from a member of the guerrilla group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) demanding they pay four million pesos [roughly $1000] in half an hour or their two children, ages 8 and 9, would be killed. The family paid a portion of the demanded amount but have received threatening phone calls and letters slipped under their door. Still, Jaime and Ana Luz remain committed to advancing the gospel in this area. “I am there, and I will be there until God calls me elsewhere,” Jaime said. He asked for prayer for strength to continue in the work: “Pray that God helps us because we are in the battleground; you are in another. While you are there praying, we are working, doing God’s work.”

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