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Four Years After his Death, Pastor Han’s Influence Continues to Grow

The 30 April marks the fourth anniversary of the death of Pastor Han Chung-Ryeol, the Korean Chinese pastor stabbed to death through his skull and heart in an apparent murder in Changbai, China in 2016. But according to Voice of the Martyrs Korea Representative Dr Hyun Sook Foley, the story of Pastor Han’s ministry and death has continued to captivate Christians worldwide.

“In the last year alone, Pastor Han’s story has been retold in a short film that was used by more than 100,000 church congregations worldwide; that same film has been watched by more than 400,000 viewers on YouTube; Pastor Han’s story was added to a new international edition of the 450 year-old Foxe’s Book of Martyrs; and his story will be retold again this year in an updated version of the international bestseller, Jesus Freaks,” says Dr Foley. “In many ways he has impacted more people for Christ after his death than before it.”

Pastor Han was the pastor of Changbai Church and a long-time partner of Voice of the Martyrs Korea in providing discipleship, evangelism, and living necessities to the North Koreans who would cross the border into Changbai. He was found dead of multiple stab wounds in his car. Chinese authorities have not closed the case, but no information has been released by them about the motive or the killers since the time of his death. “Often governments just want situations like this to disappear,” says Dr Foley. “But in the case of Pastor Han, the story of his faithful life is continuing to appear in more and more countries around the world. We are especially excited that the film about Pastor Han has been shared with persecuted Christians in more than 70 countries. While Pastor Han would probably be embarrassed by all of the publicity, I am sure that he would be thankful that his story is able to continue to encourage the suffering church worldwide.”

Voice of the Martyrs Korea partnered with award-winning producer John Grooters on the film about Pastor Han, which was released in Korean, English, Russian, Chinese, and multiple other languages last year. The film tells the story of one of the disciples of Pastor Han Chung-Ryeol, and about him carrying on the work of sharing the Gospel when he hears that Pastor Han has been killed. According to Dr Foley,  Pastor Han shared his faith with at least 1,000 North Koreans before his death.

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“Pastor Han was our long-time friend and ministry partner,” Dr Foley says. “North Korea tried to silence him. China seems to hope his memory will fade away. But 1 John 2:17 says, “The world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.” So we believe that God is not only keeping alive but also amplifying the witness made by Pastor Han and his North Korean disciples, so that it is reaching Christians all over the world.”

Dr Foley encourages churches to show the video during their worship services this week, but she also encourages all Christians to share the video with their friends and families. “The work Pastor Han began still continues four years after his death. It continues not only in North Korea and China, but now around the world. It can inspire us here in these challenging days to serve Christ faithfully, no matter the cost.”

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