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INDIA: Pastor and Son Ambushed in the Jungle

VOM South Africa

Pastor Nahtiya, his son and other church members had worshipped together and were walking home through the jungle when they were ambushed by Hindu radicals throwing stones at them. Some were able to break away only to be attacked again by villagers wielding axes, sticks and other tools. Pastor Nahtiya’s 16-year-old son and another Believer were struck repeatedly. Police arrived and helped take the severely injured men to the hospital. When questioned, the attackers falsely claimed that Pastor Nahtiya had come to their village and threatened to attack them. The case against him is ongoing, but the attackers are already free, and the medical and legal costs from the attack continue to mount. These Believers are praying that their attackers as well as the judicial officials who are treating them unjustly will know Jesus and be saved.

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