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VOM South Africa

Iran: Three Christian Men Sentenced to Five Years in Prison Under New Law

Three Christian men who converted from Islam were recently sentenced to five years in prison after they refused to renounce Christ. In November of last year, Iranian authorities raided the homes of the three men and seized Bibles, cell phones and computers, ordering the men to stop all Christian activities. When the men refused to stop pursuing their faith, they were charged under a newly amended law aimed at halting the spread of Christianity in Iran, which allows for hefty fines, the removal of basic rights and up to five years in prison. When the Christians appeared in court last month, they were denied access to their attorney and told that they had received the maximum allowable sentence.

The Believers are planning to appeal the decision, so pray that these brothers in Christ remain firm in their faith while they await their appeal.

Pray for their families to not lose hope as their loved ones face imprisonment for Christ.

Pray that the Iranian authorities overseeing the case will experience the love of God through the witness of these men.

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