ICC reports "that Five churches were set ablaze in quick succession between January 21st and 26th 2021 in Otamba, Kisii county, causing a lot of fear among residents. The first one torched was St. Monica Church in the early hours of January 21st. The Worldwide Church, Nyang’eni Seventh Day Adventist church and a Legio Maria church followed on January 23rd and 24th. Two days later, the arsonists broke into the Otamba Pentecostal Church compound and set it on fire leaving a trail of destruction. Dozens of people were killed or hurt. Ten suspects are in police custody and investigations are ongoing. "
Source: International Christian Concern
Pray for the pastors and families in the churches that are going through difficult times because of this.
Pray for the people that did this, that they will repent and find Christ.