Ishaq is active in evangelism and Bible distribution in the Arab nation where he was born, but his future there is tenuous. Ishaq was permitted to be in the country while his Eritrean father, who had lived and worked there for decades, maintained his official work status. But when Ishaq’s father died during the coronavirus pandemic, Ishaq’s residency visa expired, and he has been unable to renew it. Ishaq has not been arrested for his unofficial status but has been stopped by police numerous times. “If he were to be deported to Eritrea, where he has never lived, it could be very dangerous for him,” said a Front-Line Worker. The Eritrean government has imprisoned hundreds of Christians over the last two decades simply for practising their faith. “In Eritrea, he will likely be sent to prison as soon as he comes into the country,” said the Worker. Ishaq does not have any clear options and is seeking the Lord’s direction for his future.
Pray for Ishaq to follow what God's will is in this situation and that God would keep him safe in the process. Pray that God would ultimately be glorified.
Pray for Ishaq to continue in evangelism and Bible distribution and that many people would come to know Christ because of him.