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VOM South Africa

NIGERIA: Four Faithful Pastors Serve Among Many Foes

Pastors Ishaku Manawa, Emmanuel Mamuda, Emmanuel Maigari and Gideon Mutum work to advance God's kingdom in Borno and Kaduna states, Nigeria, bearing a bold witness for Christ despite intense persecution. Pastors Manawa and Mamuda have endured multiple encounters with Boko Haram, some of which have resulted in relocation because of the attacks. Pastor Maigari was held captive by militant Islamic Fulanis for more than a month, during which he was tortured and threatened. Pastor Mutum has received multiple death threats from Fulani militants as well. Even so, these pastors continue sharing the Gospel and serving their churches despite the risk. “They have all faced persecution and stayed faithful to serving the local church and the Lord Jesus Christ,” a Front-Line Worker shared. Pray for their safety as they minister.

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