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VOM South Africa

Yemen: Persecuted Christians Request Prayer

Christians living in Yemen request prayer as they experience persecution amidst ongoing war, food shortages, and COVID-19. These challenges have created a significant burden of isolation, both spiritually and physically. The Christian population, which once numbered approximately 40,000, is reduced to only a few thousand. Most live unaware of each other’s existence and in great fear of discovery from their neighbours.

The impact of COVID-19 arrived late in Yemen, compared to the rest of the region. The country is embroiled within a civil war that has left it split between two governments and conflicting international actors. Such an environment has led to persecution that keeps the church underground. Yet after so many years of hardship, many Yemenis are spiritually hungry for answers. Many pastors working in Yemen report an openness for the Gospel message that encourages them for the future of the church.

Sources: VOM Australia, International Christian Concern, The Voice of the Martyrs USA

Ask the Lord to grant wisdom to the governing authorities as they grapple with civil war, unrest, terrorism and the current pandemic.

Praise God for a greater openness to the Gospel and pray the Lord will continue to use the current sufferings to bring spiritual blessing to many in Yemen.

Persecution originates from the government, families and extremists groups. Pray for the protection of those who are boldly following Christ.

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